"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself."
- Henry David Thoreau
Why history matters...
History exploits who we are as a people, community, society, and civilization. It allows us to discover who we were, who we are, and who we can become. Individual, cultural and even global identities are always changing. Studying history facilitates our ability to define who we are and what changes can, should or should not be made. We learn from history - the good, the bad and the ugly. All history matters and your desire to indulge in that learning process makes it that much more important.
Below you will see a general overview of expectations and rules. These are just a brief overview. Your syllabus will contain all rules and regulations, as well as the student handbook.
Below you will see a general overview of expectations and rules. These are just a brief overview. Your syllabus will contain all rules and regulations, as well as the student handbook.
- If you are absent it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed and to make up all missed work in a timely fashion via email or in person upon return to school
- Cell phones are not allowed to be used at anytime during the instructional period. If a student is caught using a cell phone it will result in a referral to the VPO
- All rules & expectations of the student handbook apply
- When informed of an upcoming test or quiz but absent the day it is given you are expected to take the assessment upon your return to class
- If you are absent from class but present at school you must hand in all work due for that day prior to the end of the day
- No extra credit will be offered
Student Behavior
Students are expected to be respectful of the entire classroom environment. The classroom, materials provided to them and most importantly, fellow students and the teacher. Acting in a disrespectful or insubordinate manor will result in disciplinary action from the teacher.
You are expected to arrive to class on time, prepared for class, and in your seat before the bell rings. If you are tardy, you must provide a note from your previous destination, signed by the teacher or administrator you were with. Cutting of a class period will result in a write up, no exceptions.
Student Absence
- Students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared for class. If you are tardy, you must provide a note signed by the teacher or administrator you were with. Cutting of a class period will result in a write up, no exceptions.
- See syllabus for make up work and late work policy, along with expectations of students when absent from class.
Teacher Availability/Extra Help
I am here as your teacher to help enhance your high school experience and prepare you for higher level courses in the future. Office hours will be offered for extra help each week. If you have questions, email is the best way to communicate the question. Don’t wait until the last minute to message me about something that’s due in a few hours or the next day because I may not get back to you in time. Be proactive. If you have a question, it is your responsibility to ask. I am here to ensure you have a clear understanding of what is expected. I will always make time to ensure this, but you need to ask. pm in 265.